
Our little girl is one year old (and six days). It’s been a long, long time since I’ve written anything, and longer since I wrote about Breitlahn. She’s now been confirmed as an over achiever by her doctor. She started walking 2-3 weeks ago, and now prefers it to crawling. Not sure that I’ve even seen her crawl in the last couple days at all. She has been climbing anything she could for quite some time, and just recently figured out how to climb on the rocking chair in her room (not a small rocker, but a full-size one). Amanda moved it into the living room, so that B’s room would stay a safe haven where we don’t have to worry about her. I was reading the newspaper and eating supper, and I look up and she’s sitting on the rocker, backwards. She had her legs poking out the back side of the chair and was watching daddy through the rungs. Wasn’t quick enough with the camera to catch her like that, but I’ll probably post the couple I got to FB anyway.

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