
I think married people tend to take their marriage for granted sometimes. At least, I’ve been a bit guilty of that lately. It’s not that we don’t love and appreciate our spouse. That’s not what I’m trying to say. We watched ‘Family Man’ last night, and it made me think. What would life be like without my wife? Yikes. Scary. Miserable. In the movie, John Campbell leaves his college girlfriend in the US to be an intern in the UK. He tells her that a year will never change his love for her. In fact, he claims that a hundred years could never change it. Thirteen years later, he is still single, back in NYC, and living a ‘good’ life. He tells a man ‘Everybody needs something’. To which the man replies, ‘Then what do you need?’ He smugly replies, ‘Nothing. I’ve got everything.’

The rest of the movie is a dream in which he sees everything he would have had if he had stayed with his college girlfriend. He wakes up realizing that his dream was what he needed. He tracks down Kate (the college gf), and finds she is quite content (although formerly heartbroken) and living the same type of life he is. The movie ends with him telling her everything they missed out on (that he saw in his dream) and them going out to coffee.

A word to the married folks first. Don’t take your marriage for granted. If you are like me, a single (innocent) decision could have changed everything down the road. You’ve been blessed. You are fortunate to have found something so precious.

To the single folks: Don’t be flippant about the ones you love. Cherish them. Don’t let a single moment or opportunity slip through your hands. You never know how things may work out in the future. I didn’t.

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