
Finally had enough of ubuntu linux. Their buzz word is ‘human’. I don’t like it. I want my computer to act like a computer, feel like a computer, and actually treat me like I’m the human. I don’t want it to think for me. I want to give it input. I want to know why […]


I don’t like gates. It may have some relation to my disgust with Microsoft. They slow you down, and make you wait. They create bottlenecks, although that may be the fault of the fences. Gates should be outlawed. All of them, including the people named Gates.


So i tried to make my site conform to “the rules”. It didn’t like that and bit me. No really, I’ve got the marks to prove it. Plus it turned all the text blue when you would put your mouse over the page. So I gave up on that. I would like to mention that […]


Well, if you haven’t noticed, I’ve updated the layout of the site a bit. Integrating it with the gallery is another story. It’s not finished, so if things don’t work, hit refresh, and it’ll probably be back. It still doesn’t work correctly with Internet Exploder, which is no surprise. What is a surprise to me, […]


This is officially the coolest web server plugin ever. No really, it is. We are taking all of our tape archives from the library, and converting them to digital format. While this is cool, and we can just set up your basic ftp server, I wanted something better. Enter mod_musicindex. It allows you to stream […]