
“Why have I found favor in your sight that you should take notice of me, since I am a foreigner?” (Ruth 2:10) I was reading Ruth 2 this morning when this verse jumped out and hit me in the face. Taken by itself, it very easily could be (and ought to be) us talking to […]


Nothing would be the same without my darling one and only. Today marks four years since she said, “Yes.” I love you, and you’re still my favorite. It also happens to be the day to remember Saint Valentine. Whoever he was.                   IIIIIIIII                      III                      III                      III                   IIIIIIIII LLL            OOO      VVV   VVV   EEEEEEEEE LLL          OOOOOOO     VVV VVV    EEE LLL         OOO   OOO     VVVVV     EEEEEE LLL          OOOOOOO       VVV      EEE LLLLLLLLL      OOO          V       EEEEEEEEE       YYY   YYY      OOO      UUU   UUU         YYYYY      OOOOOOO    UUU   UUU          YYY      OOO   OOO   UUU   UUU          YYY       OOOOOOO    UUU   UUU […]


Today is our third anniversary. So… Happy Anniversary from your favorite nerd 1010101          1010101 01010101010    010101010101 1010101010101 101010101010101 010101010101010101010101010101 1010101010101010101010101010101 0101010101010101010101010101010 101010101010101010101010101010 1010101010101010101010101010 0101010101010101010101010 010101010101010101010 101010101010101 101010101 01010 01 1