
Sometimes my devotional life just plain stinks. Sometimes it isn’t too bad, and every once in a while, it reaches fantastic. More often than not, though, I skim through a chapter of the Bible each morning, eat my breakfast, and go to work without ever giving what I’ve read a second thought. Today, that changes, […]


Some of you already know, and some of you have heard inklings trickling around the etherspace. Now, we can officially tell you… We’re having a baby! The first ultrasound was today, and according to the doctor the little one is eight weeks old today. After much finagling with the old scanner I bought this summer at a […]


Last month we went on vacation. We did lots of driving, as we went to Boise, Idaho, and then came back through Yellowstone National Park on our way back home. My sister-in-law got married (congrats). We spent lots of time with family, including going paddle-boating at a rather neat park in Boise. We saw all […]


Last night, my dad said something inspiring. He was helping me pick rocks out of our flower garden, and as he went to leave, I thanked him again. And he said, “You’re welcome. I just want to try and be helpful like my dad (my grandpa).” As most people in our church know, my grandpa […]


As many of you might have noticed, I’ve been sick lately. Normally, that’s not blog-worthy, even if it is a rare occassion. However, this morning was the first time I had been to church in three weeks. I was up front playing guitar with the worship team and started to sing along with one of […]