
Five months later, and wow! We’ve hit a lot of milestones in the last couple months. First, Breitlahn was rolling over, and then she started scooting, and sitting up. Today, she officially started crawling and she keeps trying to pull herself up on things to stand. Amanda said she did it once, but I haven’t […]


A couple weeks ago, my site was super slow, and wouldn’t load properly. I did some investigating, and found it was getting hammered by a Chinese search engine. I kept tabs on it throughout that day, and there were either different search engines indexing various portions of my site within 24 hours. Yikes. So I […]

outlaws captured

I couldn’t resist using the tired-out reference about in-laws being outlaws. And captured on camera (not in jail). For shame… Anyway, back in September, Amanda’s parents came to visit. We took them out to Makoshika (the largest state park in Montana), and got some great pictures. We finally bought a new card reader so that […]