
Five months later, and wow! We’ve hit a lot of milestones in the last couple months. First, Breitlahn was rolling over, and then she started scooting, and sitting up. Today, she officially started crawling and she keeps trying to pull herself up on things to stand. Amanda said she did it once, but I haven’t […]


A couple of my cousins posted their Christmas letters on their blogs, so I figured I’d follow suit, sort of. I actually put together a little photo collage that we sent out this year, but in case you didn’t get one (sorry), here it is: For more details, you can of course read back through […]


It’s amazing to me that God can still show me new things in a story I’ve heard and read a hundred times or more. This morning, Pastor mentioned the host of angels that appeared to shepherds just outside of Bethlehem. I’m sure that I’m not the only one who has had this misconception, but I’ve […]