
What am I doing? Am I using what God has given me? Or have I grown too comfortable? I cannot waste what I have been given, not just because there are people who would love to have my gifts. No, the reason is in who gave them to me. They are from God, they are […]

I need…

Do I need Him? Can I honestly say that I need Him? That I can’t live without Him… If it’s true, do I live like it? Is my every action for His glory? Do I consider my Lord whenever I make a decision? Where your treasure is, there you will find your heart. Where is […]


Who are we? Amongst all the stars and galaxies and solor systems and planets in the universe, WHAT AM I? To consider the immensity of the universe and then to realize that God is above all that; this thought is astounding. How can I compare to that? What can I do, what do I have […]