
Still not quite sure where all this is going, but I think in reality it has to evolve to that point. I’ve never been one to come up with much of a “big picture”, I usually just do things as they come to me, and so I can’t really say where this is going, just […]

free antivirus

I’ve discovered an excellent alternative to Norton Antivirus. It’s called AVG Antivirus, and they even have a free version. You can download the setup file here. The free version does require a serial number (not sure why), so here it is: AVG-1-21978805-MKL. Please note that I am only putting this on here, because their registration […]


Currently, I’m sick of spending so much time on my computer without using it for God. I want to find God’s purpose in all of this, find the dream that I know is out there…somewhere. I know this site is going to be amazing some day, not because I made it, but because God made […]

game night

April is recovering nicely from it’s ‘e’ mishap (see Aprile 29). Game night was huge, if you weren’t there, you missed out. We had a total of 19 people play on Friday night, and went just past 4 AM. Psychostats2 has been forsaken because it makes no sense, and puts in random numbers. So HLStats […]

site of the day

Today’s official site of the day is explodingdog.com I didn’t misspell the date, I just switched it when the ICS wasn’t looking (International Calendar Society)… So the really big news is that there will be no more April, we will only have Arpil from this day forward. I like it.