new and improved
A couple weeks ago, I moved into a new house. Now I have pictures, so go check it out in the gallery already.
A couple weeks ago, I moved into a new house. Now I have pictures, so go check it out in the gallery already.
Sometimes one gets so disillusioned with this world. It seems so evil, so full of itself. So vain that it is blind to the peril that awaits. It’s enough to make one homesick. You long for just a taste of heaven. You can almost taste it, and feel it, and you almost can see it […]
I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve posted on here. I’ve probably got some pictures I should be posting too, but that will have to wait. I’m now a licensed minister of the Assemblies of God. It’s kind of scary, and cool, all at the same time. I also moved into a new […]
I like snow. I even like ice. I just think it should stay off the road and keep out from under my tires. Mandy and I left for Nebraska on Thursday afternoon, and hit the worst weather ever near Pierre, South Dakota. We drove 45 mph for the next eon, and finally arrived in North […]
So i tried to make my site conform to “the rules”. It didn’t like that and bit me. No really, I’ve got the marks to prove it. Plus it turned all the text blue when you would put your mouse over the page. So I gave up on that. I would like to mention that […]