
Some things make me angry. Some things make me irate. And other things give me rage that I cannot explain. Health insurance is one of those last things. First of all, it’s the biggest rip-off in the world. Secondly, it’s probably the most misunderstood thing ever. If you think you got a good deal, you’re […]


I don’t like gates. It may have some relation to my disgust with Microsoft. They slow you down, and make you wait. They create bottlenecks, although that may be the fault of the fences. Gates should be outlawed. All of them, including the people named Gates.


Some time ago there was a horde of monkeys that would harrass me at random times. On second thought, maybe they weren’t so random, being as how it was only when I stayed up late. Not exactly sure how they climbed up the side of Kesler, but they haven’t bothered me at the new house. […]


Sometimes, I think people are stupid. Other times I know. I saw this nifty little language chart thingy the other day on planet gnome. I thought it was probably biased towards southerners or some such nonsense, and wanted to rant about how ridiculous it was. Well, it gave me entirely different results, so I can […]