
God is amazing. Let me tell you why. Before Christmas, money was tight. We were planning on going home for Christmas, and I knew we didn’t have the money to do it. I said ‘God, you gotta do something.’ By the time we came home, we had received over $300 from different family members. The […]


Greed never gets you anywhere good (except rich, which I wouldn’t want for nothing). Sony put Copy-protection on a bunch of their albums a while back. Guess what happened? Someone found out it contained a security hole known as a rootkit. It was exploited, and after a huge series of blunders on the part of […]


The RIAA is so greedy, it makes me sick. With the huge success of online music stores, specifically iTunes, they keep wanting to make more money off of it. First, they just flat out asked for more money. Steve Jobs said ‘Go suck your toes, idiots’. And apparently, they did, because their latest scheme is […]


This is part informative, and part rant. Some people no doubt already wonder what sort of Christian I am for titling this entry ‘xmas’. Many people object to this practice, but have no idea where and how it actually originated. I’ll be brief for the sake of those who already know. The letter X is […]


Human potential, it is often said, is a vast untapped pool of resources. While this is true, what is it that keeps us from realizing our potential. I was inspired last night by the Aphid. I don’t even know if this is what he inteded, but it hit me like a ton of lollipops this […]