
Amanda went out last night, and I was bored. So I was watching the little baby fishies, when I noticed there was one I had missed. I snatched him out with the net, and found I had somehow caught 2 without realizing it. A while later, I see that there were two more. I caught […]

doom doom doom

Just so no one gets surprised in a couple years, I have one thing to say: Microsoft is doomed. Their gig is up. Instead of innovating, they are just trying to take what everyone else is doing and make it better. But, in typical MS fashion, they are messing it up bad. There are several […]


The s-word in queston here is ‘software patents’. Most people don’t care about them, but they should. Many have taken a black or white approach to the issue. I think there’s a middle ground. Currently, the US patent system allows for patenting anything from a scrollbar, to a mechanism for delivering habit-based shopping referrals. On […]