
This is by no means ‘news’. However, I just saw a special on TV about Dog the Bounty Hunter, and how Mexico is trying to hose him for bringing a serious criminal to justice. There’s a petition to help expedite the proceedings, and ‘Save the Dog’. I’m number 16029.

scientific method

When it comes to evolution, I’ve been amazed at how they (those scientist which insist evolution is a ‘Theory’) have subverted the ‘Scientific Method’ to suit their own beliefs. Today, I ran across this comic while reading my feed from planet gnome. I’m unaware of any other examples of the Method being subverted to this […]


Just read this article, and the last question just made me laugh. If I was a company worth three billion dollars, and MS and Google both submitted offers, I’d go with Google (no matter the terms), because they actually get open source software. Here’s a brief recap: Who released Picasa for linux? Google Who released […]


We’ve been pretty busy lately with drama-related stuff. I was asked to run lights (again) for a play that the Historical Society is presenting. In the process, Amanda & I both were roped into playing small parts, and I’m now doing sound for it as well. It’s a fun little one-act about some mannequins who […]