
Dear FedEx, The lovely country selector you’ve implemented is broken. See, not everyone has the Arial font (yes, I use Linux, and Arial is a proprietary Windows font, so I’m out of luck there). This causes my browser to choose a different font that happens to be slightly larger than Arial. What happens next, is […]


Earlier, I was reading how Facebook almost bought out Twitter. I know I’ve seen some people adamantly proclaim ‘Facebook is not Twitter’. Sure, but have you looked at the two side by side? Facebook is organized tweets. That said, I’m still not quite sure how it makes sense for Facebook to acquire Twitter, except that […]


As some of you probably already know from Facebook, we have a new addition to the family. It’s a girl! She is a 3-month old Labrador/Border Collie that we adopted from the Eastern Montana Humane Society. At three months, she’s obviously not as well-behaved as Scooter was when we got him last year, but she’s […]


Nothing would be the same without my darling one and only. Today marks four years since she said, “Yes.” I love you, and you’re still my favorite. It also happens to be the day to remember Saint Valentine. Whoever he was.                   IIIIIIIII                      III                      III                      III                   IIIIIIIII LLL            OOO      VVV   VVV   EEEEEEEEE LLL          OOOOOOO     VVV VVV    EEE LLL         OOO   OOO     VVVVV     EEEEEE LLL          OOOOOOO       VVV      EEE LLLLLLLLL      OOO          V       EEEEEEEEE       YYY   YYY      OOO      UUU   UUU         YYYYY      OOOOOOO    UUU   UUU          YYY      OOO   OOO   UUU   UUU          YYY       OOOOOOO    UUU   UUU […]


We had freezing rain the other day (maybe it was yesterday, but it seems like it’s been longer already), and it’s insane. I didn’t get to take Scooter out for a walk yesterday, because it was more insane, icy, and freezinger by the time I got home from work. Today, I decided to brave it […]